In a star-studded affair, Bollywood icon Shah Rukh Khan recently opened the doors of his Mumbai residence, Mannat, to host a memorable dinner for legendary footballer and UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, David Beckham. The English footballer’s three-day visit to India was marked by high-profile events, with celebrities and influencers converging to witness the union of two global icons.
SRK, sharing a photo from the dinner party, expressed his admiration for Beckham, praising not only his football prowess but also highlighting his kindness and gentle nature, particularly with children. The actor’s fans were delighted to see the two legends in a single frame.
This gathering at Mannat wasn’t the only one for Beckham during his three-day stay. Before SRK, Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja had hosted a dinner for the footballer, with several Bollywood celebrities, including Anil Kapoor, Karisma Kapoor, Shahid Kapoor, and Arjun Kapoor, in attendance.
The football legend, who attended India vs. New Zealand World Cup semi-final match at Mumbaiโs Wankhede Stadium, was also hosted by the Ambanis at their residence. A picture posted by SRK from the private bash at Mannat showcased the host, Beckham, and their families, emphasizing the camaraderie shared.
In his role as a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, Beckham’s trip went beyond mingling with Bollywood’s elite. The International Cricket Council (ICC) collaborated with UNICEF to advance gender equality and empower women through cricket. Throughout his visit, Beckham interacted with cricket icons Sachin Tendulkar, Virat Kohli, and Rohit Sharma, resonating with the common goal of using sports for positive social change.
Shah Rukh Khan, who organized a farewell party for Beckham, posted a photo on Instagram, referring to Beckham as both an icon and a complete gentleman. The image captures the two standing together, exuding a shared sense of admiration.
Renowned for his remarkable football journey, including stints with prestigious clubs such as Manchester United and Real Madrid, Beckham is not only celebrated for his sporting prowess but also recognized for his charitable work as a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador. His recent presence sparked widespread attention, marked by glamorous gatherings hosted by some of Bollywood’s most prominent figures.