High Court Rebukes Delhi Government for Delay in Procuring Textbooks

The Delhi High Court has criticized the Delhi government for its failure to procure textbooks for children in Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) schools, attributing the delay to the absence of Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal. The court’s remarks come amid concerns raised by a civil rights group regarding the denial of educational materials to over six lakh school children due to the chief minister’s incarceration.

Chief Minister’s Absence Raises Questions

Arvind Kejriwal‘s imprisonment over alleged irregularities in the 2021-22 Delhi excise policy has left a void in governance, leading to delays in critical supplies for school children. The court emphasized the significance of the chief minister’s role, stating that the position is not merely ceremonial, especially in a bustling capital like Delhi.

Legal Responsibility vs. Financial Constraints

While the MCD holds the legal responsibility to provide educational materials, it lacks the financial powers to procure them. The non-functionality of the MCD’s standing committee for a year has further exacerbated the situation, raising concerns over democratic control and turf dominance.

Urgent Need for Action

The court underscored the urgency of the matter, highlighting that the delay in procuring textbooks violates both legislative and constitutional provisions guaranteeing free education to children. It dismissed proposals for further delays, emphasizing the need for immediate action to uphold the fundamental rights of students enrolled in MCD schools.

‘Power Play’ Over Education

In its scathing remarks, the court denounced the government’s indifference towards the plight of students, attributing the delays to power struggles and a quest for credit. It called for prioritizing the well-being of students over political considerations, urging swift action to resolve the issue.

The court’s directives signal a call to action for the Delhi government to prioritize the educational needs of its young citizens and ensure timely access to essential materials for their academic growth and development.

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