RBI Grade B 2023 Admit Card Released
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has recently issued the admit card for the upcoming RBI Grade B 2023 exams. Aspiring candidates who have applied for the RBI Grade B general posts can now access and download their admit card from the official website at opportunities.rbi.org.in. The exams are scheduled to take place on July 9, and the admit card contains essential information such as the candidate’s roll number, password, examination date, time, and venue.
Candidates are required to bring the admit card along with a valid photo ID proof to the examination centre on the day of the exam. The RBI Grade B exam has duration of 120 minutes and consists of four sections: general awareness, English language, quantitative aptitude, and reasoning. In total, there will be 200 questions, each carrying one mark.
To download the RBI Grade B admit card 2023, follow these simple steps:
- Visit the official RBI website at opportunities.rbi.org.in.
- Navigate to the “Current Vacancies” tab and click on “Call Letters.”
- Look for the link titled “Admission Letters for the posts of Grade B DR (General) – PY-2023” and click on it.
- Enter your login details, such as registration or roll number, and password or date of birth.
- Click on the login button.
- Your RBI Grade B admit card 2023 will be displayed on the screen.
- Download the admit card and make sure to take a printout for future reference.
Prepare well and best of luck for your RBI Grade B exams!
Download Now: RBI Grade B 2023 admit card