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Global Peace Index 2023: Safest and Most Dangerous Countries Revealed

GPI 2023

Global Peace Index 2023: Safest and Most Dangerous Countries Revealed

The Institute for Economics and Peace recently released its 17th edition of the Global Peace Index (GPI) for 2023, shedding light on the most dangerous and peaceful countries in the world. Covering 163 independent states and territories, the report offers valuable insights into the state of global peacefulness.

Overall Global Peace Trends

The 2023 research indicates a concerning trend, with the average level of global peacefulness deteriorating by 0.42 per cent. This marks the 13th decline in the last 15 years, emphasizing the persistent challenges to maintaining peace on a global scale. 84 countries showed improvement in 2022, while 79 countries saw a decline in peace.

Most Dangerous Countries

Afghanistan holds the unfortunate distinction of being named the least peaceful country for the eighth consecutive year, followed closely by Yemen, Syria, South Sudan, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The ongoing conflict in Ukraine significantly impacted global peacefulness, with both Ukraine and Russia experiencing substantial deterioration.

Most Peaceful Countries

In contrast, Iceland has maintained its status as the most peaceful country globally since 2008, leading the index alongside Denmark, Ireland, New Zealand, and Austria. Europe emerges as the most peaceful region, housing seven of the top 10 most peaceful countries.

Key Insights from Global Peace Index 2023:

India’s GPI Ranking

India holds the 126th position among 163 nations on the Global Peace Index, with a total score of 2.31, slightly below the global average of 2.314. Although the country encounters continuous hurdles in attaining heightened peace levels, this situation provides a prospect for enhancement.

Methodology and Criteria

The GPI employs 23 qualitative and quantitative indicators, categorizing peace across three domains: societal safety and security, ongoing domestic and international conflict, and the degree of militarization. The rankings consider factors such as the fair distribution of resources, respect for the rights of others, good relations with neighbours, and the free flow of information.


Despite global levels of peacefulness experiencing a downward trend, the top destinations on the list remain attractive for travellers seeking safety and tranquillity. The Global Peace Index continues to be a crucial tool for understanding the complex dynamics that contribute to peace and conflict on a global scale.

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