Top 5 Most Expensive Cities in the World

The recently released list of the world's most expensive cities to live in provides an intriguing glimpse into the financial realities of residents in various corners of the globe.  Here is the list of top 5 World's expensive cities, as per EIU 

Securing the fifth spot globally, Hong Kong maintains costly living conditions despite lower inflation rates in Asia, showcasing its unique economic landscape.

Hong Kong


Sharing the third spot, Geneva reflects Switzerland's trend of elevated living costs, characterized by significant expenses in groceries and clothing.

Geneva, Switzerland


Despite no longer sharing the top spot, New York City remains among the world's costliest due to enduring high prices for various goods and services, tying for the third position.

New York City


Zurich climbs from sixth to second place due to elevated prices for household items and recreational activities, reinforcing Switzerland's reputation for high living costs.

Zurich, Switzerland


For the ninth time in 11 years, Singapore stands atop as the most expensive city globally, driven by consistently high costs in groceries, alcohol, clothing, and private car ownership.

