Top 5 Mango Myths and Misconceptions 

Mangoes, the luscious and tropical fruits beloved by many, are not only a culinary delight but also steeped in fascinating myths and misconceptions. Here are the top five myths surrounding mangoes.

Mangoes are often considered harmful for diabetics due to their natural sweetness. However, in moderation, they can be safely enjoyed as part of a balanced diet for individuals with diabetes.

Mangoes are Bad for Diabetics 

Mangoes at night don't cause weight gain; overall calorie intake and lifestyle habits play a bigger role in weight management.

Eating Mangoes at Night Causes Weight Gain 

Mango skin is often mistakenly believed to be toxic, but it is safe to eat and contains valuable nutrients. However, some individuals may have sensitivities to specific compounds in the skin.

Mango Skin is Toxic 

Another myth is that all mango varieties taste the same. Different mango cultivars have varying flavours, textures, and sweetness levels, offering diverse taste experiences.

All Mango Varieties Taste the Same 

While mango allergies do exist, they are relatively rare. Some individuals with sensitivities to certain fruits may experience cross-reactivity with mangoes, but it is not a common allergy.

Mangoes Cause Allergies