Top 5 Countries Without Written Constitution


A constitution is a fundamental set of principles and rules that establishes the framework for governance and outlines the rights and responsibilities of citizens within a country. It acts as a guiding document which helps maintain the balance of power and ensures the protection of individual liberty.

1. United Kingdom 

Relies on legal statutes, common law, and constitutional conventions instead of a formal, written constitution. Key documents and principles, such as the Magna Carta, Bill of Rights 1689, and various Acts of Parliament, shape the country's governance.

2. Israel 

Governed by foundational laws, statutes, and judicial decisions rather than a single, written constitution.

3. New Zealand 

Constitutional framework based on legal statutes, common law, and constitutional conventions, without a comprehensive written constitution.

4. Saudi Arabia 

Constitutional framework based on legal statutes, common law, and constitutional conventions, without a comprehensive written constitution.

5.  Canada

Canada does not have a single written constitution,  relying instead on legal documents like the Constitution Act, 1867, and the Constitution Act, 1982 (including the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms).