Highest Civilian Honours Bestowed on Prime Minister Narendra Modi

1. Order of Abdulaziz     Al Saud

2016: Highest honor of Saudi Arabia awarded to non-muslim dignitaries

2. State Order of     Ghazi Amir     Amanullah Khan

2016: Highest civilian honor of Afghanistan

3. Grand Collar of           the State of      Palestine Award

2018: Highest honor of Palestine awarded to foreign dignitaries

4. Order of Zayed      Award

2019: Highest civilian honor of the United Arab Emirates

5. Order of St.     Andrew award

2019: Highest civilian honor of Russia

6. Grand Companion     of the Order of     Fiji 

2023: Highest honour of Fiji

7. Grand Companion     of the Order of     Logohu.

2023: Highest honour of Papua New Guinea