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COP 28:  All You Need to Know About the Crucial Climate Conference in Dubai

About COP 28

COP 28, the 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference, is scheduled in Dubai, UAE, from November 30 to December 12, 2023.  

It serves as the primary global platform for addressing climate issues, bringing together representatives from nearly every country.

Importance of COP 28

In this decisive decade for climate action, COP 28 focuses on implementing the Paris Agreement, aiming for a 43% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and achieving net-zero emissions by 2050.

Agenda for COP 28

Discussions cover vital topics such as loss and damage finance, global finance goals, energy transition, emissions gap closure, and the inaugural global stocktake, urging urgent action for a 1.5-degree Celsius target.

Meetings at COP 28

COP 28 includes the 28th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 28), the fifth session of the Paris Agreement's decision-making body (CMA 5), and the 18th session of the Kyoto Protocol's decision-making body (CMP 18). Closed-door negotiations, technical meetings, press conferences, and various events will be held.

Participants at COP 28

Anticipating 70,000 attendees, including delegates, observer organizations, and accredited press, COP 28 offers live webcasts for public viewing and access to the green zone managed by the UAE.

Host of COP 28

The United Arab Emirates hosts COP 28, with Dr. Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber serving as the COP28 President, providing logistics and engaging governments for a successful conference in alignment with UN rotations.

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