5 Things You Must Avoid During Sawan for Lord Shiva's Blessing

Non-Vegetarian Food & Alcohol

Consuming meat, fish, eggs, and alcohol is strictly avoided. Devotees often follow a vegetarian diet and abstain from intoxicants to purify their body and mind.

Onion & Garlic

These are considered tamasic foods that can increase negative emotions. Devotees avoid eating onion and garlic, opting for satvik (pure) food instead.

Harmful Action

Engaging in violence, lies, or any form of harmful behavior is strictly avoided. Sawan is a time for spiritual reflection and good deeds.

Wearing Black

Traditionally, black is considered inauspicious during fasting. Devotees usually wear white or light-colored clothes as a symbol of purity and devotion.

Cutting Hair and Nails 

It is believed that cutting hair and nails during Sawan can bring bad luck. Devotees avoid these grooming activities as a sign of respect and to maintain personal sanctity.

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